Water story around the Saules

Water story around the Saules
Water story around the Saules

Coulanges-lès-Nevers. Water story around the Willows. On the occasion of Country Heritage Days, the municipality organized a day of activities around the theme of water in partnership with the Municipal Social Action Center (CCAS). Different Coulange associations also took part in the game such as Edolo, 3 Temps des Saules, Passions palettes, ASPAN, Coul’Rando…

From 9:30 a.m., a conference was organized at the Espace des Saules. A history of local water, its riches, its mysteries and its use over the years. The three local speakers concluded after two hours on the operation of wastewater treatment plants and municipal water networks. From 12:30 p.m., picnic near the Basket Club flea market, before a walk to the characteristic places mentioned in the morning.

Around forty walkers, led by members of the CCAS and Coul’Rando, were able to discover these places in relation to the waterways, before arriving at the Franbec farm where the young couple of market gardeners opened their greenhouses to visitors for a tasting of market garden products under the guidance of Miss Toque. This day of intergenerational activities ended at Les Saules around a drink offered by the municipality and hosted by the 3 Temps des Saules.



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