Isabelle Laforest-Lapointe wins award from the Canadian Society of Microbiologists – News

Pre Isabelle Lapointe Laforest receives her award from Pre Pascale Beauregard, from the Department of Biology, who is the outgoing president of the SCM-CSM. The Thermo-Fisher representative was also on hand to present a $1,500 prize.
Photo: Provided

The Canadian Society of Microbiologists presents the Thermo Fisher Award to Professor Isabelle Laforest-Lapointe of the Department of Biology. This distinction aims to recognize the careers of new researchers in the field of microbiological sciences.

Pre Laforest-Lapointe became a professor at UdeS in 2018. Her career focuses on microbial ecology.

I created my research niche at the intersection of microbiology, ecology, genomics, bioinformatics and statistics, using both plants and humans as host systems, explains Laforest-Lapointe. microbiology in the forest city is a theme that resonates directly with me.

Using an approach involving experiments in nature, in greenhouses and in the laboratory, his research focuses on host-microbe interactions in natural (e.g. forests) and urban (e.g. cities) environments. She uses a community ecology perspective to improve the understanding of microbial communities and their roles for host and ecosystem functions.

About the Canadian Society of Microbiologists

The Canadian Society of Microbiologists’ mandate is to promote and recognize achievements in the field of microbiology by annually nominating trainees, early career researchers, senior researchers and established researchers.



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