last day of campaign, the RN still leading the polls

last day of campaign, the RN still leading the polls
last day of campaign, the RN still leading the polls

► The unemployment insurance reform decree not published before July 1

The decree governing the reform of unemployment insurance will not ultimately be published as planned before July 1, the Ministry of Labor indicated on Friday June 28, while the weekend is marked by a period of electoral reserve due to July 1. legislative round on Sunday.

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“The decree will be issued in the next few days to ensure that the unemployed continue to receive benefits.”more “not Saturday Sunday, that’s for sure”, the ministry was assured, without providing details on an exact date. The current rules governing unemployment insurance are valid until June 30. A new decree is essential to extend them.

► Popularity: Bardella dethrones Philippe

The head of state, Emmanuel Macron, has lost six points of popularity in one month (36%), while the president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, has become the personality in whom the French have the most confidence (40%), according to a Toluna-Harris interactive-LCI poll published on Friday May 28 (1,019 French people questioned June 25 to 27).

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After announcing the dissolution of the National Assembly on June 9, Emmanuel Macron saw his confidence rating drop to its lowest level since last March. On the other hand, the political context does not affect Gabriel Attal: confidence in the Prime Minister remains stable, at 43%.

Outside the executive couple, Jordan Bardella, who sees himself as prime minister if the RN wins, dethrones Édouard Philippe in first place among favorite personalities: 40% of those questioned trust him (+ 3 points), against 39% for the mayor of Le Havre (stable).

► On D-2, the Paris Stock Exchange ends with its worst monthly performance in two years

The Paris Stock Exchange fell by 6.42% in June, its worst performance since June 2022, undermined by the dissolution of the National Assembly and the uncertainty surrounding the next French legislature.

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Friday, two days before the first round of the legislative elections, the flagship CAC 40 index closed with a loss of 0.68%, finishing at 7,479.40 points, its lowest level since January 25. The gap between the interest rate on France’s ten-year loan and that of Germany, the benchmark in Europe, is also the largest since 2012.

As often seen during this month of June, the French stock market fell sharply on Friday compared to other European markets: Frankfurt ended up 0.14% and London down 0.19%, supported by data in line with economists’ expectations on inflation, particularly in the United States. Over the month, these two stock markets fell by less than 1.5%.

► Attal wants to “prevent the extremes, and in particular the extreme right,” from winning

Gabriel Attal wished “to prevent the extremes, and in particular the far right, from winning” the legislative elections, the first round of which takes place on Sunday, while his camp is divided on the attitude to adopt in the second round in the event of duels between far-right candidates and the left-wing coalition.

“I know where my values ​​are. I will always take my responsibilities. (…) “I obviously want to prevent the extremes, and in particular the far right, from winning these elections.”said on BFMTV the prime minister who is leading the campaign of the outgoing majority, seeming to change his position of sending back to back the “two extremes”the National Rally and the New Popular Front coalition.

More “If we want the far right not to win these elections, it is not with the far left of Jean-Luc Mélenchon that we will get there”he added, believing that “the only way to avoid” that the RN wins was to vote for the candidates of the outgoing majority.

► The RN continues to progress, the presidential majority declines

The RN reached 37% of voting intentions for the first round of the legislative elections, up 2 points compared to June 24, according to an OpinionWay poll published on Friday June 28 for The echoes.

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At the same time, the Ensemble presidential majority lost 2 points and stood at 20%. The New Popular Front remains stable, at 28%. In this poll, LR remains at 6%, and Reconqueste at 1%. But 18% of people do not express an intention to vote.

The union of the left is particularly popular with young people: 59% of 18-24 year-olds say they want to put a New Popular Front ballot in the ballot box, 24% will favour the RN.

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This historic election, which could see the National Rally come to power, is generating a great deal of interest: 70% of those surveyed say they are interested in the campaign, compared to 44% in 2022. The majority of voters have made up their minds, with 78% of those surveyed saying they are sure of their choice.

► Lively exchanges during the Bardella-Attal-Faure debate

The exchanges were often lively during the last televised debate, Thursday June 27. Gabriel Attal accused his far-right rival of having presented in the legislative elections “around a hundred candidates” having held “racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic remarks”which the leader of the RN rejected en bloc.

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The Prime Minister also denounced the RN’s desire to “to stigmatize 3.5 million dual-national French people » by prohibiting them from accessing certain jobs deemed “strategic”. « Caricature »replied Jordan Bardella, believing that his opponent “has an interest in playing on fears” and assuring that he did not wish “not call into question dual nationality”.

Asked who could access Matignon in the event of victory, Olivier Faure assured that it would be necessary “a quiet force, a force that knows where it is going”. “I will therefore be the prime minister of all French people to initiate the recovery of the country”immediately retorted Jordan Bardella.

► Rallies against the far right in Paris and in France three days before the legislative elections

Several thousand people gathered against the far right on Thursday evening at Place de la République in Paris, three days before the first round of legislative elections in which the National Rally is the clear favourite.

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Gatherings also brought together a few hundred people in Lille (around 300), Marseille (around 150) and Rennes (around 680), journalists noted.

In Paris, speeches by personalities, activists and mini-concerts (Acid Arab, Les Goguettes, etc.) alternated during a festive event called by the media (Mediapart, PoliticalStop on images…), unions (CFDT, CGT, Peasant Confederation, FSU…) and associations (Attac, Greenpeace, Abbé-Pierre…).

► The left, “the only possible barrier” against the RN, says Hollande

Former socialist president François Hollande, at a rally on Thursday evening in Corrèze, predicted a ” punishment “ for Emmanuel Macron’s majority in the legislative elections, by making the left “the only possible dam” facing « danger » of the National Rally.

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“The presidential majority was knocked out by its creator”scathed François Hollande, mocking his successor at the Élysée who “adds more every day, further amplifying the punishment that will be inflicted on his political family”.

Also stretching a right “dissolved”dont “the president left with the key” and who has “fed the extreme right” with its “drifts”he insisted that“There was only one possible dike left: the left” facing “danger that the country is running”. “We are the only ones who can turn the country around and give hope to a population that has lost it”he said.

► A former advisor to Macron warns against “the dangerous temptation of “neither RN nor LFI””

Philippe Grangeon, former advisor to Emmanuel Macron and former boss of En Marche, alerted his camp on Friday against “the perilous temptation of “neither RN nor LFI””pleading for “clear instructions” on the evening of the first round of legislative elections in favor of all “the candidates who will oppose” to the National Rally.

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“I want to alert my political family against the perilous temptation of “neither-nor” (neither RN nor LFI). This ambiguous political choice could indeed, in the current dynamic, favor the accession of the National Rally to power”writes Philippe Grangeon in a column addressed to AFP.

► Legal action against an RN candidate wrongly presented as “regional president”

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region announced Thursday that it had taken legal action to request the destruction of the ballot papers of the National Rally candidate in the 2nd constituency of Ain, Andréa Kotarac, falsely presented as “regional president”.

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“The false mention of this quality (…) thus constitutes a usurpation of elective functions, the manifestly illegal and particularly serious nature of which is likely to affect the sincerity of the vote.the community stressed in a request to the interim relief judge of the Lyon administrative court, which AFP has consulted.

A photo, attached to the document, clearly shows the mention “Regional President” on the ballot of the first round of the early legislative elections of Andréa Kotarac, who chairs the RN group on the regional council.



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