a mysterious debt at the center of the debates

a mysterious debt at the center of the debates
a mysterious debt at the center of the debates

Two pools of blood glisten on the asphalt of Place Mirabeau, a wad of ammunition and a lighter lie right next to them. These impressive images were shown on Friday during the second day of the hearing devoted to the violent attack that occurred on May 4, 2021 in Blois. Distraught, Amara, the young man who lost his right leg that night, could not help but leave the room.

“Today I am half of myself, they destroyed me. I recognize those three, I have always been conscious,” he declares upon his return as his fist convulsively strikes the wooden bar. “They were hooded but I recognized their voices. At one point Croco told Ram’s ‘smoke him!'”

The young man has been convicted several times for cannabis cases. “I still consume because my situation is difficult to live with.” Asked about his relationship with the accused, the victim said that he was very friendly with Rayan’s older brother (nicknamed Ram’s) and that he protected them in prison, the youngest having “a contract on the head for a story of theft.” He also rubbed shoulders with Timothée, alias Croco, behind the walls of the remand center.

A debt of 12,000 euros would be at the origin of this bloody nocturnal encounter. According to Amara, the accused “they fucked things up” in his apartment while he was incarcerated. But the president notes several inconsistencies and does not hide his perplexity. “Several of you have been convicted for drug offenses, isn’t it more of a debt or a “carrot” linked to trafficking? » “I promise you no, it has nothing to do with drugs or pimping. »

“I felt threatened,
the shot is fired
all alone “

Two weeks before the events, the protagonists crossed paths for the first time. Timothée and Amara came to blows, the second losing a tooth in the fight. A new meeting was set for the evening of May 4, place Mirabeau. Amara describes the arrival of the attackers in a grey Peugeot 307 filmed by the neighbourhood cameras, then what appears to be an attempted kidnapping followed by the gunshot. Falling to the ground, he is beaten up before receiving three stab wounds. “He tried to finish me offhe adds, pointing to Timothy, I protected myself. » Amara bursts into tears and leaves the room.

When he returned to the bar, the president reminded him that after his arrival at the hospital, he had first accused Rayan, his older brother (who is not being prosecuted in this case), and their cousin Nassim but not Timothée. But Amara assures that he was indeed present.

It’s Rayan’s turn to be questioned. “He was the one who called me, he kept harassing me. The day before, he came to my house to threaten me with a knife. It doesn’t tell you everything. » Before the final meeting on May 4, the accused went to get his rifle (which was never found). “He came towards me, I was scared, the gun went off by itself. It was an accident.” Attorney General Jean Demattéis reminds him of a hearing in which he declared having cocked the rifle before the shot. ” I was stressed. »

Although named by the victim, Timothée insists that he was not there. The night before the attack, he was stopped while driving a Peugeot 307 with the other accused. His girlfriend at the time told the police that he was at her house the morning after the events while identifying him in a photo while driving a Clio crossing the Mer toll at the same time. The lawyers for the accused, Me Rapin and Me Prud’homme also recalled the testimony of a local resident who saw the attackers flee in an SUV and a city car.



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