Ladislas Vergne (LR) campaigning in the city center of Chartres

Ladislas Vergne (LR) campaigning in the city center of Chartres
Ladislas Vergne (LR) campaigning in the city center of Chartres

Towing operations are essential for electoral campaigns. Two days before the elections, Ladislas Vergne, LR candidate for the 1st constituency, let himself be caught in the game.

“Have you received my program?” he asks passers-by. Ladislas Vergne, in the streets of Chartres, continues his campaign. Two days before the first round of the early legislative elections, the Republican candidate applies the rule of the field “to the end”.

Leafleting operation at the Brou market: a must for the election campaign

A moment of exchange

“I held three public meetings, near Gallardon, Maintenon and Chartres,” he recalls. “I am in a logic of going towards the people.” According to him, they are “in shock and lost” in the face of the dissolution of the National Assembly, “an irremediable gesture.” “And they are afraid of extremes, they need to be reassured.”

This Friday, June 28, “like every day of the week,” he takes time to go out into the field, “to really see people.” Some take the leaflets willingly, others refuse, with a wave of the hand. “I already know who I’m going to vote for,” says one man. “Those who are going to vote for the left or the National Rally don’t talk to me, in general. The others, those who take the time to talk, are those who hesitate between Emmanuel Macron’s camp and mine.”Ladislas Vergne (LR) campaigning in the city center of Chartres.

In the streets of Chartres, passers-by recognize him and shake his hand. “I’m quite well-known in Chartres, there’s this local dimension, of rootedness, that people like.” In the eyes of the man who does leafleting and door-to-door canvassing, “the campaign is a rare moment of exchange.”

Emma Gomez



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