In Lanester, the CCAS has several projects in its pipeline

In Lanester, the CCAS has several projects in its pipeline
In Lanester, the CCAS has several projects in its pipeline

The Community Social Action Center (CCAS) of Lanester (Morbihan) currently has several structuring projects in the municipality. The administrators discussed them at the board of directors meeting on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

Philippe Jumeau, the vice-president of the CCAS, comes back to this. There is in particular the project to extend the multi-reception and the relocation of the early childhood relay. Work begins at the beginning of July for both structures,indicates the elected official.The early childhood relay is already installed in the premises of the social center.

Work in July at the multi-reception area

Closed in July, the multi-reception facility should benefit from good progress in work during this period. There will be more to do, but the most important thing will be done. As a reminder, the work concerns the extension of the early childhood home, to be able to accommodate a group of 10 to 14 additional children in the future. The planned budget allows us to also plan the construction of two courtyards for the off-site nursery project, continues the elected official. It was a request from the team. A new educational stage which will thus be able to be carried out within the establishment.

Gerontological center

Another major project of the mandate, the future gerontological center which will replace the Le Coutaller nursing home. The first stone should be laid in spring 2026 with an opening at the end of 2027, beginning of 2028, announces Philippe Jumeau.We will launch the architectural competition in the coming days so that interested architectural firms can respond before the end of the year. A jury will then select three projects. During the board of directors, we selected the jury from among the directors and elected officials, in accordance with the law.

Other files

During the meeting, the administrators also looked at other issues, such as the arrival of a new director at the Le Coutaller nursing home, expected on July 22, 2024. The City will also recruit a person for a position that is 50% administrative and 50% hospitality, with the aim of strengthening the nursing home team before its move to the gerontological platform. Several senior events have also been set for this year. These include the Semaine bleue, which will take place from September 30 to October 4, 2024, including a tea party dance and a theater performance by the Coup de torchon troupe, and cabaret afternoons on December 3 and 4, 2024.



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