The Festi’Malemort is being prepared, between caution and euphoria

The Festi’Malemort is being prepared, between caution and euphoria
The Festi’Malemort is being prepared, between caution and euphoria

Twenty thousand people are expected tonight, Friday June 28 and tomorrow at Festi’Malemort, in Corrèze. After the damage caused by the storm during the 2023 edition, the team is playing it safe.

A few hours before the opening of the Festi’Malemort, technicians, municipal staff and volunteers are working to complete the development of the site which is expected to accommodate nearly 20,000 people this weekend, in Malemort, in Corrèze. After the damage caused by the storm last year, the mood is cautious, but remains enthusiastic.

Two gantries fall on stage, storm interrupts the first evening of Festi’Malemort in Corrèze (July 7, 2023)

A stage twice as big as last year

The stage is impressive, twice as large as last year with more than 300 m² of stage space. “This is the dimension imposed by Matt Pokora, who comes with a staff of 45 technicians. It takes three hours to set up, just for his show,” explains Murielle Micouraud, responsible for welcoming the artists.

The interpreter of Just a photo of youand you The planets is undoubtedly the star of this third edition of Festi’Malemort. He is on the bill on Saturday night, preceded by the singer Raphaël. Tonight, it is Les Négresses Vertes, Keen’V and Fatal Bazooka who will set the stage on fire on the Pasteur terrain.

In Corrèze, the first evening of concerts of Festi’Malemort 2024 is sold out

From 6,000 spectators in 2022 to 20,000 this year

Nearly 20,000 people are expected this weekend, compared to 15,000 last year and 6,000 the first year. “I didn’t think it would be this big,” admits Laurent Donadieu, city deputy. A pride for the Malmortois. “The whole city gets involved: 150 volunteers run the refreshments, municipal technicians build structures, even the canteen workers participate by cooking meals for the artists,” explains Laurent Darthou, mayor, proud to be at the origin of the one of the rare festivals of this magnitude supported by a municipality.Photo Stéphanie Para


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Caution on the weather side

But, with bad weather forecast, the team is playing it safe. Everyone remembers last year’s storm, when two gantries fell on the stage in the middle of a Magic System concert, causing immense damage – but fortunately no injuries.

After the fall of two gantries at Festi’Malemort, the mayor has good hopes for the continuation of the festival (July 8, 2023)

So this time, Laurent Darthou took the lead: “The structures have been reinforced and a meteorologist will monitor the site in real time. We will take all necessary measures to guarantee safety in the event of a storm.” Including canceling, if necessary. The rain, on the other hand, doesn’t worry them: it doesn’t stop them from partying! And if the theft of 150 m² of parquet flooring last Saturday night disrupted the preparations, the morale of the teams remains high.Photo Stéphanie Para

Emmanuelle Mayer



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