Saint-Etienne. The future RER train in Saint-Etienne reaches a milestone, which will change

Saint-Etienne. The future RER train in Saint-Etienne reaches a milestone, which will change
Saint-Etienne. The future RER train in Saint-Etienne reaches a milestone, which will change


Mathias Souteyrat

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 2:23 p.m.

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This is an official first step. Fifteen initial metropolitan regional express service (SERM) projects have just been certified on June 27, 2024, including Saint-Etienne.

As announced on April 23 during the meeting to present the timetable and the method for issuing SERM status, labeling marks the first step in this procedure.

Lyon, Clermont and Grenoble in the region

It is based on a “minute file” established by the project leaders, which presents the general ambition, the local actors mobilized, the scope concerned and the main strategic orientations.

The regions and communities of the territories of Bordeaux, Chambéry, Clermont-Ferrand, Grenoble, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Mulhouse, Nantes, Rouen, Saint-Etienne, Strasbourg, Toulouse and Tours as well as the leaders of the Lorraine-Luxembourg project are invited to continue the work of developing their SERM with a view to obtaining the status by decree.

Alternative to the car

This decision will be taken on the basis of a detailed file, which must specify the objectives, the roadmap to achieve them, the financing plan as well as the governance of the project.

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This involves offering alternative transport solutions to the car in a context of road congestion and global warming.

Improvement of rates, services, etc.

The metropolitan RER could notably offer:

  • Improved regional train service
  • Significant opening hours, increased frequency during peak hours, service guaranteed all day without interruption
  • Stations, stops and multimodal exchange centers distributed as closely as possible and designed to be easily accessible on foot, by bike or by car
  • Connections and connections ensured with other modes of urban transport (metro, tram, bus)
  • The implementation of unified pricing on all transport networks in the urban area.

The government announced in 2023 an investment plan of an additional 100 billion euros by 2040.

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