“Paradise is our gulf of love”: these photographers enhance La Ciotat through their photos

“Paradise is our gulf of love”: these photographers enhance La Ciotat through their photos
“Paradise is our gulf of love”: these photographers enhance La Ciotat through their photos

In the small, cosy lounge of the tourist office, the large glass ceiling caresses the works of natural light. One thing is for sure, no more artificial spotlights!

Once is not customary. The structure of the exhibition is radically contemporary. The vertical supports are sober, covered with fabric socks that camouflage the metal grids. And not only that. The unfolding of the exhibition panels can be interchangeable, according to the lights and daily moods.

The photos seem raw. We are enjoying a real technical evolution in photography. The passion of the artists Lucile and Denys Pastré nourishes a gift that seduces. The art of photography is bathed in Pastré juice.

The City in Photos

“The Tourist Office asked us to take some original photos in La Ciotat. Lucile had the good idea of ​​presenting Eden, for visitors and tourists passing through here. Paradise is our Gulf of Love .”

Sunsets, oily seas, sailboats with lined sails, the velvet red of the Eden theater, the rust of the cranes… From aluminum to pure or varnished plexiglass, everything is a source of inspiration. It’s about working on what suits the strength of each photo. “The colors are vital and highlighted. Light is my ally, it is not uniform or global. We are looking for effects of small touches, by zones, confesses Denys.

It’s difficult to photograph, confides Lucile. At the time of taking the photo, something moves us. Personally I am very happy when someone tells me they feel the same inspiration that I wanted to transmit, explains Lucile.

Lucile and Denys have lost count of their careers as professional photographers. Could this be their 50th exhibition together? They exhibit together, but they don’t step on each other’s toes. Each to their own style. And that’s what they like.

Exhibition “From Eden to Paradise”. Tourist office, until June 29. From 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Instagram lucilepastre / denyspastre



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