More than 13,000 ha of land mobilized in 2023 by the State Domains for the benefit of investment projects –

CThe projects, which correspond to a total area of ​​around 13,438 hectares (ha), for an investment of approximately 37.8 billion dirhams (billion dirhams), should generate 20,500 jobs in the long term, specifies the DDE in its report entitled “Private domain of the State: Strategic asset serving the socio-economic development of Morocco”.

In addition, all of these investment projects have been approved in accordance with the new legislative and regulatory framework relating to Decentralized Investment Management.

Regarding their regional distribution, 74.4% of the projects are concentrated in the regions of Dakhla-Oued Eddahab (53.2%) and Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra (21.2%).

Thus, the Private Domain has mobilized, at the level of the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab region, land areas with a total surface area of ​​around 11,120 ha, intended to receive 248 investment projects.

These investments, with a total value of 5 billion dirhams, will ultimately create 6,307 jobs. The energy sector remains the main beneficiary with a percentage of 53% of the area mobilized in this region.

By sector, the Private Domain has mobilized, for the year 2023, land areas with a total surface area of ​​more than 7,165 hectares, dedicated to the realization of 3 projects in the energy sector.

These investments, with a total value of more than 5.1 billion dirhams, correspond to the creation of 400 job positions and will be located mainly in the region of Dakhla-Oued Eddahab, which totals approximately 98% of the overall surface area. mobilized for this energy sector.

Likewise, the year 2023 was marked by the approval of 35 projects in the Mining sector, feasible over a total area of ​​approximately 4,006 ha for an overall investment of approximately 18.8 billion dirhams, allowing the creation, at term, 846 job positions.

During this period, the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab region benefited from 80% of the overall area allocated to this sector.

It should be noted that more than 75% of investments concern three sectors of activity, namely Mines, Energy and Industry, while 83.7% of jobs are attributed to the sectors of Industry, Tourism, Agro-industry and Services.

The DDE plays an essential role in supporting economic and social development policies by mobilizing the land necessary for the implementation of sectoral strategies, as well as for the creation of public facilities and investment projects that create wealth and jobs.

(With MAP)



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