Strike at Bordeaux University Hospital: Staff denounce “institutional mistreatment” at the hospital

Strike at Bordeaux University Hospital: Staff denounce “institutional mistreatment” at the hospital
Strike at Bordeaux University Hospital: Staff denounce “institutional mistreatment” at the hospital


Anaelle Montagne

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 5:22 p.m.

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Bordeaux University Hospital workers will go on strike on July 1, 2024 to oppose the “climate of union repression and of institutional abuse at the Bordeaux University Hospital”. According to the unions Sud Santé, Force Ouvrière and the CGT, they find themselves “in a context of forte tension to make our public hospital function properly.

Sanctions in number

According to the unions, agents who try to raise problems within their services are regularly summoned and sanctioned. So much so that some “prefer keep their suffering at work silent in order to avoid the risk of being sanctioned by forced transfers or otherwise.”

“A climate of fear and repression” would also have settled on the defenders of the staff.

For its part, the CHU specifies that it has taken note of the strike notice filed and “reaffirms its commitment to maintaining a professional and respectful working environment for all its agents, while guaranteeing quality care to patients”.

Disciplinary procedure lifted

The three union organizations were planning a rally, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Talence, at a time when four SMUR ambulance drivers and a union representative were supposed to be summoned “in connection with a climate of fear for defenders”.

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The unions therefore asked management to reconsider the disciplinary procedure which the union representative is subject to. The CHU has just confirmed to Bordeaux news that the pre-disciplinary interview of the staff representative was lifted after discussion with management and “that no sanctions will be imposed”.

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