No episode of cloudy water reported in Quebec

No episode of cloudy water reported in Quebec
No episode of cloudy water reported in Quebec

Quebec City residents, who are affected by drinking water restrictions, have reduced their consumption by 20% over the past two days. This has allowed the city to avoid experiencing any episodes of cloudy water since work began on a broken water main, Bruno Marchand said.

• Read also: Claude Villeneuve regrets “confusion” over murky water in 12 sectors of Quebec

• Read also: Quebec City: restrictions on the use of drinking water

This is what the mayor of Quebec made known, Thursday in the middle of the afternoon, in an impromptu press release. That said, the exact origin of the break in the important pipe in the Rivières district has still not been identified.

“We found certain elements of the answer. We continue to work to investigate to confirm. The work continues. We cannot say more about the causes,” he maintained.

Restrictions maintained

Meanwhile, restrictions and recommendations issued earlier this week for 35% (175,000 people) of the population remain in effect. Until the end of the work, still scheduled for July 5, citizens in the 12 affected sectors are asked to limit domestic uses of water (such as dishwashers). They are also required to have a sufficient supply of drinking water for their food consumption.

“It’s 20% water saved [depuis le début des travaux, mercredi]”The efforts of citizens are bearing fruit. It has an impact and it has certainly allowed us not to have troubled water for anyone and to continue to supply people with qualified water. So, we must continue,” insisted Bruno Marchand.

Political controversy

On the political front, the mayor of Quebec City did not appreciate the comments of the leader of the municipal opposition, Claude Villeneuve, who pointed out “confusion” and “contradictions” between the messages of the Municipality and those of the Public Health Department (DSP) regarding the potability of the cloudy water.

“The opposition is playing politics in an exceptional situation, which we should never do in passing. Patrick Paquet [chef non élu d’Équipe Priorité Québec] understood that then Quebec at first does not seem to have understood,” lamented Mr. Marchand.

According to him, “in exceptional situations, we all agree that we put politics aside. He [Claude Villeneuve] decided not to do it. That’s what he always does. We’re not surprised. I think it’s not the right decision.”

The mayor said that the city had been working hand in hand with the DSP since June 21 and that both entities were saying “the same thing.”

Called to react, Mr. Villeneuve, head of Quebec first, maintained his entire remarks. “As for the mayor’s team, we communicate poorly and we look for those responsible rather than looking at each other,” he denounced.

According to him, “every time the mayor or a member of his team misses his mark, it is the fault of the opposition which is politicizing. We see here a lack of understanding of the work that we have as elected officials.”

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