The inter-union demonstrated above all against the reform of unemployment insurance and the extreme right

The inter-union demonstrated above all against the reform of unemployment insurance and the extreme right
The inter-union demonstrated above all against the reform of unemployment insurance and the extreme right

It is a reinforced inter-union (CGT, UNSA, FO, Solidaires, CFDT, Confédération Paysanne, MODEF and FSU) which led a demonstration this Thursday, June 27 in the morning to express its opposition to the reform of unemployment insurance and its opposition on the far right. There were around a hundred people in the procession which started in front of the employers’ headquarters at 97 boulevard Sadi Carnot in Auch.

The CGT says it clearly: “Even though the government has just suffered a real disavowal in the last European elections, it is time to renounce the most useless, the most unjust and the most violent reform ever seen”. Because still according to the CGT “As the positive impact on employment of previous reforms has not been proven, it would have been logical not to continue in this direction and to focus on improving working conditions and qualifications”.

In view of the dissolution of the national assembly, the FO union assures that “we will not allow ourselves to be exploited, we will continue to demand better salaries, improved working conditions, real recovery and reindustrialization policies, serving the ecological transition, for strong public services, to restore the place that belongs to collective negotiation and heritage.”

After having marched in particular near the market, the demonstrators concluded their morning in front of the offices of France Travail.



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