The departmental sustainable environmental education (ESD) day was organized at the Henri-Bourrillon college in Mende.
The Henri-Bourrillon college in Mende hosted, Thursday, November 14, the departmental sustainable environmental education (EDD) day.
In the presence of theacademic director of Lozère, of the academic services concerned, of Françoise Amarger-Brajon, vice-president of the departmental council, of the cnetwork project coordinator for CPIE-RéeL48, partners and workshop leaders were mobilized: Pfamily lanning, CPIE-RéeL 48 and Cévennes National Park.
Meeting and training
Teachers and students from delegations from the Henri-Bourrillon de Mende, André-Chamson de Meyrueis, Sport nature de La Canourgue, Achille-Rousson de Saint-Étienne-Vallée-Française, Marthe-Dupeyron and Saint-Pierre – Saint-Paul colleges de Langogne, and the Chaptal high school in Mende were able to benefit from meetings and training in order to support the dynamic eco-delegates and CVC (college life council) in their establishment.
In fact, theSustainable development was discussed during this day from the perspective of “health, environment, well-being.”
Through the different collective and varied times that were offered, the students from the different delegations were able to better understand the issues of the ecological transition, strengthen their civic commitment and promote the actions they carry out as ecodelegates and finally continue to make their establishment a place of ecological transition in their operation.