Above all, do not drink tap water, implores the Normandy Regional Health Agency in a press release, for the inhabitants of around fifteen municipalities, in the Longueville sector of the Terroir de Caux Community of Communes, and in part of the urban community of the Dieppe region, reports France Bleu Normandie. Around 4,220 residents are affected by unclean water, due to contamination of a water network. According to the ARS, it is prohibited to use drinking water for “food use, drinking, washing teeth, washing infants, preparing food, and making ice.” »
This degradation is due to particles of clay and silt coming from land erosion following heavy rainfall. “This phenomenon may be associated with a risk of microbial contamination,” writes the ARS, which specifies that communities and operators have made bottled water available after informing residents. Measures have been taken for a rapid return to a normal situation.
The list of affected municipalities:
- Anneville-sur-Scie (hamlet of Ecorchebeuf)
- Bois-Robert (le) (for the entire municipality)
- Le Catelier (for the entire commune)
- Les Cent-Acres (for the entire commune)
- La Chapelle-du-Bourgay (for the entire commune)
- La Chaussée (for the entire municipality)
- Cropus (for the entire municipality)
- Heugleville-sur-Scie (hamlets of Guerrots and Longuetuit)
- Longueville-sur-Scie (40% upper eastern part)
- Notre-Dame-du-Parc (for the entire municipality)
- Sainte-Foy (for the entire commune)
- Saint-Hellier (hamlets of Baudribos and Brennetuit)
- Saint-Honoré (for the entire commune)
- Val-de Scie Auffay (hamlets of Corbière, Sainte-Catherine, La petite and Grande motte)
- Val-de Scie Cressy (for the entire commune)
- CA Dieppe Littoral sector (operator Veolia)
- Aubermesnil-Beaumais (for the entire commune)
- Martigny (hamlets of Quievremeont and Beaumaine)
If you are in this sector, you can contact Hydra on 02 35 17 60 00 or Veolia on 09 69 39 56 34.