A man from Trappes and wanted by Interpol arrested in Maurepas

A man from Trappes and wanted by Interpol arrested in Maurepas
A man from Trappes and wanted by Interpol arrested in Maurepas

He was wanted to the point of having his red card at Interpol, the international criminal police organization. However, it was only a few kilometers from Trappes, where he came from, that Mamadou Sakho was arrested.

This Wednesday evening, it was police officers from the Élancourt anti-crime brigade who arrested the 29-year-old man in Maurepas (78), reports The Parisian. According to the daily, the individual had been followed by the police for several days before he was apprehended near the city’s Auchan shopping center.

Convicted in several cases

Despite an attempt to escape from the police, Mamadou Sakho ended up handcuffed and transported to the police station. He was wanted for drug trafficking, refusal to comply, violence against a public official and speeding after a chase that took place in 2023 in Issy-les-Moulineaux (92).

For this affair, Mamadou Sakho was sentenced to 15 months in prison. A file which is added to others for which the individual is known to the police.

The media recalls that Mamadou Sakho also became known for having been the lover of a prison guard from the Bois-d’Arcy remand center who was convicted of trafficking cannabis in prison between 2018 and 2019 .



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