“An unfair decision”, “We are not disengaging”… Lively exchanges between Mayor Yves Juhel and the opposition on financial aid for the French school in Ventimiglia

“An unfair decision”, “We are not disengaging”… Lively exchanges between Mayor Yves Juhel and the opposition on financial aid for the French school in Ventimiglia
“An unfair decision”, “We are not disengaging”… Lively exchanges between Mayor Yves Juhel and the opposition on financial aid for the French school in Ventimiglia

Cutting off supplies to the French school in Ventimiglia in the midst of the development of a European Grouping for Cross-Border Cooperation (EGTC) seemed like a bullet in the foot. To the point that the mayor, Yves Juhel, wanted to clarify the position of the City of Menton in the municipal council on Tuesday evening.

A position that could be summed up in a few words: do everything possible to pay less. While elected officials vote for a grant of 7,243 euros to the parents’ association of the establishment located in Italian territory – to enable it “to meet operating expenses for the 2024 financial year” – the mayor recontextualizes. Emphasizing that the school has cost the municipality 350,000 euros per year for twelve years. For only around ten Mentonnais students among all the children enrolled in the four classes.

The wish for a “French school abroad”

“At the beginning of the year, after an interview with the mayor of Ventimiglia and the Academy Inspectorate, we made it known that we could not continue to pay such sums. Especially at a time when we had to make savings. “ A quick calculation allows the mayor to estimate the total amount paid for the property of the establishment since the beginning at 4 million euros. “We received a friendly welcome from National Education and Ventimiglia town hall: they understood our position, and were going to work so that we could review together the fees paid by everyone.” To date, the City of Menton – which does not own the premises – is responsible for the Atsem and extracurricular activities, the costs of purchasing school books, as well as the work in the school. It thus provides five people from the Municipal Technical Center who make frequent return trips across the border. National Education is responsible for the teachers and all costs relating to them, while the Ventimiglia Town Hall is responsible for the major work. The negotiations carried out over many months aim to rebalance things. So that ultimately, each party pays a third of the bill.

“We arrived at this proposal: the rectorate continues to pay for the teachers; Ventimiglia all potential work within the school and canteen costs. Menton will contribute to the tuition fees. And also undertakes to continue to take in charge of Atsem, books and equipment”, explains Yves Juhel. Which calls for a paradigm shift.

If he asked that this new agreement – which should be validated in the coming weeks – be valid for only one year, it is in fact in the hope of changing the status of the establishment.We want it to no longer be a Menton school but a French school abroad. Which changes the economic data. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs would bear a certain number of costs.”

“Unfair decision”

On behalf of the opponents of “Menton avec vous”, Jean-Christophe Storaï expresses his frank disagreement. “It is a political choice, which we do not share. Our group provides support to teachers, parents and local elected officials to obtain the continuation of financial aid. And we ask you to reverse this unjust unilateral decision.”

There is no question of reviewing its position, objects Yves Juhel. Anxious, however, to rephrase. “We just wanted, with the two partners, to make it clear that it is not normal for Menton to pay so much for a dozen Menton students. If you do not agree that we should make savings, that is your right, he squeaks. That being said, we must continue to be present. We’re not completely disengaging, we just want to be more economical on costs.”



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