Ari Boulogne, the man who claimed to be the son of Alain Delon, is dead

The son of Nico, the singer of the group The Velvet Underground, was found dead at his Parisian home in the 15th arrondissement. A woman was taken into custody for failing to assist a person in danger.

By Guillaume Poingt and Le Figaro

Published on 05/20/2023 at 1:26 p.m.update on 05/20/2023 at 1:57 p.m.

Ari Boulogne, the unrecognized child who spent decades trying to prove he was the son of Alain Delon, was found dead at his home in the 15th arrondissement, rue Cambronne, overnight from Friday to Saturday . Information from Parisian confirmed at Figaro by the Paris prosecutor’s office. “A police custody is underway for non-assistance to a person in danger in order to clarify the circumstances in which the death of the victim, who was hemiplegic, may have occurred”, details the parquet. According The Parisian the person in custody, who discovered the body, claimed to be his companion.

Son of Nico, the singer of The Velvet Underground, Ari Boulogne, 60, has always claimed to be the son of Alain Delon. An allegation that the actor has always denied as a whole, without ever agreeing to carry out a paternity test. Faced with the stubbornness of the star, he decided to launch legal proceedings, in 2019, with the tribunal de grande instance of Orléans, Alain Delon having a residence in the . In September 2020, French justice then declared itself incompetent to judge the request of Ari Boulogne, due to the Swiss place of residence of the actor.

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The Orléans Court of Appeal confirmed in a judgment a year later this decision because “Mr. Alain Delon brings back the proof that his domicile is in Switzerland” where he has resided since 1984. He has a Swiss passport, “settles its taxes on Swiss territory”, “vote in Switzerland” or “get treatment in Switzerland”, detailed the judgment. “The current cassation procedure will stop and the file will be closed. Alain Delon had consistently challenged this paternity“, told AFP the lawyer for the movie star, Me Christophe Ayela.

Born under the name of Ari Päffgen on August 11, 1962 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, Nico’s son will take the name of Alain Delon’s mother, Edith Boulogne, who largely raised him. She even ended up adopting him with her second husband, Paul. His biological mother, Nico, model and singer of the Velvet Underground who died in 1988, assured that Ari was born of a fleeting relationship with the movie star in the early 1960s.



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