IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. Mudslides, damage, floods and record rainfall in Mayenne

12:22 p.m. – Modified: 12:25 p.m. by Alexis Vellayoudom

The roadway was damaged at the Laval racecourse

Credit : Laval Racecourse

Nearly two months of rain fell in a few hours at Cossé-le-Vivien (118 mm). Yesterday evening, Mayenne, placed on yellow alert for flooding, experienced almost historic storms. The evening’s precipitation caused a lot of damage last night in Laval and the southwest of the department. Homes were quickly flooded with the rising waters and, in Ahuillé, three people had to be rescued. At maximum, the level could rise up to 2 m in cellars.

Some roads were also impassable like between Méral and Cossé le Vivien the road in front of the Laval racecourse. In total, 200 firefighter interventions took place with 70 agents involved, in 17 municipalities. Emergency services received 425 calls last night.

Météo France has placed Mayenne on yellow alert for risk of rain and flooding until 5 p.m. and for risk of thunderstorms until 10 p.m. this Wednesday.

The road from Saint-Jean-sur-Mayenne to Montflours was blocked.

The road from Saint-Jean-sur-Mayenne to Montflours was blocked.

Credit : Facebook

For their part, farmers are not left out and deplore the latest weather conditions with heavy damage. Meadows are under water, corn plots submerged by mudslides and even stalls and sheds flooded.

Professional activities impacted

This morning, certain activities are at a standstill, this is the case in Laval where the track at the Bellevue-la-Forêt racecourse is flooded. Coatings were raised in front of the boxes. “We cannot accommodate anyone. We are at a standstill“, explains Freddy Bouton, the director. The damage is still difficult to assess.

The Laval racecourse was swept away by torrents of water.

The Laval racecourse was swept away by torrents of water.

Credit : Laval Racecourse

Others will have to do everything again. This is the case for farmers, as demonstrated by a member of the FDSEA 53 union in a video. “Well guys, if we don’t have corn to do again when you see the whole fleet“.

I’ve never seen that since I’ve been at Bonchamp

In Bonchamp, the town hall and the Departmental Council were to inaugurate the new 3×3 basketball court. Unfortunately, the inauguration was canceled due to an earth slide around the grounds. In the sports complex, a room was flooded, “there was 10-15 cm of water in it“, specifies Mayor Gwénaël Poisson by telephone. Several rooms were left with puddles of water. False ceiling plates were also damaged, “the water came in through the roof, it fell on the electrical cabinet so we cut the power“.

According to the mayor, several garages were flooded. The networks were overwhelmed. “We have the Galbé stream which turned into a river, the cars were driving in the water, but that has been restored. We were able to have strong storms a few times which caused the networks to be saturated, but not as much water as that. I’ve never seen this since I’ve been at Bonchamp, and it’s been over 50 yearslaughs Gwénaël Poisson.

On several axes of Mayenne, roads were blocked by mudslides or floods. Falling trees were also recorded by the Mayenne firefighters.

The road from Méral to Cossé-le-Vivien.

The road from Méral to Cossé-le-Vivien.

Credit : Facebook



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