Dijon: a demonstration against the extreme right today

Dijon: a demonstration against the extreme right today
Dijon: a demonstration against the extreme right today

This Thursday, June 27, a new demonstration against the extreme right will be held in Dijon, at the initiative of local unions. Organized by the CGT 21, the FSU 21, and Solidaires 21, this mobilization is part of a series of actions aimed at denouncing ideologies opposed to the fundamental values ​​of the French Republic.

The unions recall the massive mobilization last weekend, which saw more than 650,000 people march across France. Among them, more than 4,000 demonstrators gathered in Dijon and 250,000 marched in the streets of Paris. These figures demonstrate a firm and collective rejection of the social projects carried by the far right, projects which threaten the principles of equality, fraternity and freedom.

The organizers of this demonstration stress the importance of remaining vigilant and active. They call on civil society to mobilize to combat xenophobia, racism and anti-Semitism, and to defend solidarity and equal rights for all. Social and democratic regression, they affirm, must not prevail.

The union press release insists on the need to amplify this citizen and popular mobilization. A few days before the first round of elections, they urge an increase in initiatives, public meetings, and demonstrations across the country to make their voices heard even louder.

In Dijon, the meeting is at Place de la Libération at 2 p.m. Unions and associations hope for massive participation to reaffirm their opposition to the far right and their attachment to republican values.



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