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VIDEO. Dolphins or porpoises? Cetaceans on parade in this Loire-Atlantique port

VIDEO. Dolphins or porpoises? Cetaceans on parade in this Loire-Atlantique port
VIDEO. Dolphins or porpoises? Cetaceans on parade in this Loire-Atlantique port


Hervé Pinson

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 3:56 p.m.

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“In twenty years of presence in the old port, I had never seen this,” testifies Maguy Delaire, from the Vieux Port Real Estate Agency, in Pornic (Loire-Atlantique). This Wednesday, June 26, 2024, like many spectators, she attended the ballet of several cetaceans.

According to witnesses, these “dolphins” are in fact “porpoises”. But for the network Pelagicthe marine mammal observatory, it is indeed “ common dolphins subadultes », affime Olivier Van Canneytcoordinator of the system in La Rochelle.

Watch the video in the old port:

At least four cetaceans

According to captaincy from the port of Noëveillard, who sent a boat to meet them, “there were at least four individuals”. “Six or seven,” estimates Maguy Delaire.

This group first arrived early in the morning in the Old Port, before joining the port of Noëveillard, then returning to the city centre basin, where many people were able to admire it from the quays.

A concern predominated on social networks: would the cetaceans be able to leave the Old Port? It seems so. Firefighters were also mobilized, according to the captaincy.

Other groups seen elsewhere on the Atlantic coast

Note that groups of dolphins have been reported in recent days near the coast. Le Courrier du Pays de Retz thus received a video of cetaceans in the port of Paimboeuf, taken Thursday June 20, 2024.

A witness on the Pornic News Facebook group indicates that marine mammals were also seen the previous evening in the port of La Plaine-sur-Mer.

Why dolphins come closer to shore

“Dolphins sometimes enter ports, Olivier Van Canneyt. They are sometimes a little confused by the closed environment, but they eventually find the exit. »

Their presence is increasing along the coasts due to lack of availability offshore prey. Unfortunately, sometimes they fail.

There are many dolphins all year round off the Atlantic coasts, their movement is more “regional” and they do not migrate like large marine mammals like whales.

Leave them alone, don’t feed them

What attitude should you adopt when you see one nearby in a port, for example? “You must leave them alone, avoid clapping your hands and above all not feed them,” insists Olivier Van Canneyt.

You should not jump into the water to see them, nor go to them on a boat, paddle, etc. In any case, they go much faster than us!

Olivier Van Canneyt, coordinator Pelagis

It is also advisable to contact the Pelagis network which lists them, alive or dead.

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