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At Thursday’s municipal council, the “implementation of a large-scale local strategy” by the City of Lyon

At Thursday’s municipal council, the “implementation of a large-scale local strategy” by the City of Lyon
At Thursday’s municipal council, the “implementation of a large-scale local strategy” by the City of Lyon

Wednesday May 26, day before the municipal council.

On this sunny day, the mayor of Lyon Grégory Doucet and his housing deputy Sophia Poppof decided to discuss, via a specially dedicated press conference, “a subject which is one of the major concerns of Lyonnaises” : l’habitat.

So, since the causes of this “European housing crisis which tends to last” down to the smallest associative partnerships set up by the Town Hall, the councilor and his deputy presented their housing strategy, three years after the start of the mandate.

However, as of 2021, 34.5 billion euros have been invested in the City’s Multi-Year Investment Plan for housing: all to respond to “to the challenge of affordable housing” for the Lyonnais.

In the resolutions which will be proposed on Thursday on the subject, we therefore find subsidies for social housing, “only city in France where aid for stone is so high”assistance funds for owners to renovate vacant or unworthy housing, support for citizens on recourse… to deal with the crisis “in all its aspects”et “make the action of the City of Lyon in the field more visible and more understandable”.

But this local strategy must be supported in a more global way, particularly as elections approach: “we expect a strong commitment from the next government, for a housing policy that meets the challenges”, declared Sophia Poppof, quickly joined by the chosen one.

I have confidence in future NFP deputies to tackle the housing problem head on”confirms the councilor, certain of his strategy: “doing what we say and saying what we do is our strong point in the City of Lyon”.



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