forecast for Thursday June 27, 2024

forecast for Thursday June 27, 2024
forecast for Thursday June 27, 2024

Strasbourg’s day will be characterized by the appearance of clouds in the sky. Temperatures will be around 22°C. A southwest wind will blow a little, with 8 km/h. On the other hand, the morning ahead promises to be superb and sunny! It will be on average 24°C. In the afternoon, we will have to expect a sky lined with clouds. Scattered rain will fall. The values ​​will be between 26°C and 27°C. Scattered rain will fall throughout the evening. A foggy night is forecast between Thursday and Friday.

The sun will be expected tomorrow in Strasbourg, where clouds are well established. A drop in temperatures is expected. The values ​​will range between 18 and 25°C. In the morning, clouds will not want to give way to the sun. The weather will be punctuated by scattered rain. A light northwest breeze will blow. The sun will struggle to break through light clouds which will remain in the afternoon. The values ​​will range from 22 to 25°C. Clear spells will appear in the evening. The thermometer will display 21°C on average. A light northwest wind will be felt by residents.

We expect a deterioration on Sunday, after a sunny day on Saturday.



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