The Châteauguay Sun | Châteauguay Film Festival: diversity and independent creators featured

A film festival for short films will be held on September 28 at the Jean-Pierre-Houde hall at the Cultural Center in Châteauguay. While it is in its first edition, this event aims to be inclusive, ecological and will focus on diversity, in addition to promoting the audiovisual industry of independent creators.

“We will select films that include diversity either within the actors or among the production,” informs Philippe Févigny, co-founder of the festival.

Titled Film festival overviewthis event will feature 18 short films which will be screened in front of the public, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The latter will be separated into six categories, namely video clip, ecological video (film or documentary), documentary report, influential content (youtubers, Tik tok, etc.), as well as international competition.

Independent creators can now submit their short films on the festival website until mid-July, says Mr. Févigny.

Sandra Cerdeline and Philippe Févigny, co-founders of the Plan d’ensemble film festival. (Photo: Le Soleil – Tristan Ouimet)

The chosen films will be finalists for the nine awards ceremony which will take place on September 28 at 6 p.m.

Entrance for this day will be free. However, places will be limited to around 100 during the winners’ ceremony.

“For several years, Châteauguay has offered cinema at the Jean-Pierre-Houde hall with the film club and today, it is with pleasure that we will host a film festival in Châteauguay,” says Éric Allard, mayor of Chateauguay. Inclusion and diversity are at the heart of our values ​​as an organization and as a city.”

This project is part of the 2024-2034 cultural policy of the City of Châteauguay.

An ecological festival

This festival intends to adopt an eco-responsible approach, while there will be a vegan food offering from local producers.

The festival organization also encourages festival participants to prioritize means of transportation such as carpooling, active transportation, and cycling.

Le jury

David Bergeron, CEO of the Greater Roussillon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. (Photo: Le Soleil – Tristan Ouimet)

David Bergeron, CEO of the Grand Roussillon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, will be president of the jury. Philippe Marcoux, from the City of Châteauguay, will be among the judges.

The full composition of the jury has not been revealed for the moment, to keep “a little suspense”, explains Sandra Cerdeline, co-founder of the festival.

“We also want to include diversity in the jury by including producers, filmmakers and screenwriters,” she concludes. Diversity isn’t just about skin color.”



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