FC Barcelona hires a young Swiss nugget

FC Barcelona hires a young Swiss nugget
FC Barcelona hires a young Swiss nugget

Young Swiss footballers face a big dilemma: go abroad to continue their development or stay in the Women’s Super League in order to accumulate playing time. “It depends on the players,” replies Alisha Lehmann (25), who left Bern for London at the age of 18 and a half. Sydney Schertenleib chose the first option: the former Grasshopper midfielder signed a three-year contract with Barcelona on Tuesday. The Catalan club, author of a quadruple (Champions League, Cup, Super Cup and championship) is currently the best in women’s football in Europe.

The Zurich native, who made her debut with the Nati last February, in a friendly against Poland, should play with Barça B during her first season. However, she will prepare with the first team and will meet stars, such as the 2021 and 2022 Golden Ball Alexia Putellas or Aintana Bonmati, elected best player of the 2023 World Cup, the Champions League and the Nations League.

Naomi Luyet made the opposite choice. The 18-year-old from Valais preferred to extend her contract with Young Boys this spring, despite a stellar first season (16 goals and 11 assists). “I still need to play in Switzerland in order to be ready when I take the plunge,” explains the striker.

For Alisha Lehmann, trying her luck abroad is a good decision. “In Switzerland, the support is less good,” notes the Bernoise, who plays at Aston Villa. Plus, there’s always the option to come home if things don’t go the way you want.



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