The town of La Ciotat is climbing the towers in the face of accumulated delays in the luxury hotel project

The town of La Ciotat is climbing the towers in the face of accumulated delays in the luxury hotel project
The town of La Ciotat is climbing the towers in the face of accumulated delays in the luxury hotel project

This is the story of a local sea serpent. A beautiful. A hundred rooms, sea view, modern, fully glazed architecture with its spa, rooftop… a luxurious hotel that the City has been waiting for for many years on Boulevard Anatole-France. And for good reason, instead of the large hole of almost 2,500 m² which adjoins the oldest cinema in the world, a four-star hotel must emerge from the ground. The building permit was validated in 2013. And since then… the City has been waiting. And starting to get impatient.

After the formal notice at the beginning of April from the promoter, the Marseille group Progereal-Finareal, Alexandre Doriol (DVD) is stepping up a little further. “The developer was seen and received each time with agreements in principle,” explains the mayor. “There were favorable responses but no progress. Now, that’s enough.”

Two weeks to convince

This Tuesday, June 25, the municipality therefore appointed a bailiff, requiring that the developer provide supporting documents attesting to the implementation of the work. “This hotel is a major project for the town, it must serve as a cornerstone in the development of the old center of which it is one of the gateways, retrace Alexandre Doriol. It was agreed that the work should be carried out concurrently with the Louis-Marin school rehabilitation project for which more than 6 million euros were invested.”



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