Décibels at the Twin Sisters Festival in Rochefort: Julie Gayet and David Hertzog Dessites

Décibels at the Twin Sisters Festival in Rochefort: Julie Gayet and David Hertzog Dessites
Décibels at the Twin Sisters Festival in Rochefort: Julie Gayet and David Hertzog Dessites

Installed in the heart of the Twin Sisters of Rochefort festival, Emilie Mazoyer welcomes Julie Gayet and David Hertzog to evoke the memory of Michel Legrand.

Festival dedicated to the marriage between image and sound, The Twin Sisters are installed for the fourth year at Rochefortin Charente Maritimein partnership with France Bleu and France Bleu La Rochelle.

And inevitably, when we say “twin sisters” in Rochefortthere is a particular memory that comes alive: that of Young ladies of Rochefort and his cult song composed by Michel Legrand.

Song of the twins (From “Les demoiselles de Rochefort”)

He will be in the spotlight this evening with a film directed by David Hertzog Dessites : Once upon a time, Michel Legrand. The director explains: “I met him at the Cannes festival in May 2017, being crazy about his music I told myself that I absolutely had to be there, that I attend this private concert that he was giving”. Julie Gayet, president of the festival, added: “It’s very successful. The whole team was in tears, in Cannes, it caused a sensation.

ONCE UPON A TIME UPON MICHEL LEGRAND by David Hertzog Dessites | Official trailer

Two years alongside Michel Legrand are therefore transcribed in this film. And this allows you to discover another facet of musical genius: “A genius is complicated. Michel had a very sharp character, there were times when it was difficult. He was extremely demanding, uncompromising, he had to go the distance. He tested me until he gained confidence and things loosened up.

Overview of the festival programming, the nice meeting between Michel Legrand and David Hertzog DessitesMichel Legrand’s little posthumous revenge thanks to this documentary: Julie Gayet and David Hertzog are the guests of Décibels live from Rochefort for the Twin Sisters festival.

A broadcast produced with the complicity of the technical teams of France Blue La Rochelle.



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