Agde – New strike notice at Kéolis from July 1

Agde – New strike notice at Kéolis from July 1
Agde – New strike notice at Kéolis from July 1

Par Cedric GOYER, UNSA Union Representative at Kéolis Méditerranée.June 26, 2024

Kéolis Méditerranée employees will once again be on strike from Monday July 1 to Friday July 5, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:55 a.m.

“We do 55-minute walkouts because it allows us to lose less on our wages. Full-day strikes would be too heavy a financial loss for us, half of the driving staff work part-time and receive less than €1,000 per month.

The management of Kéolis Méditerranée knows this and has so far not met the expectations of the striking employees; it maintains its proposals for increases below their demands.

“We are not greedy, we are simply asking for salary increases to match inflation and a little extra effort for the purchasing power of employees.”

The striking staff believe that the company’s good results in 2023 justify better salary increases than those already proposed by Kéolis management.

“Our request is legitimate, we are also stakeholders in the company’s benefit by always working with professionalism despite the difficulties we encounter on a daily basis.”

This one-week notice period is renewable and Kéolis Méditerranée employees remain determined.

“Management is playing for time, but we are determined not to give up, we will maintain the pressure throughout the summer and until the next school year if necessary.”

Cedric GOYER, UNSA Union Representative at Kéolis Méditerranée.



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