In the Cesson district, in Saint-Brieuc, the RN vote has almost doubled in two years

In the Cesson district, in Saint-Brieuc, the RN vote has almost doubled in two years
In the Cesson district, in Saint-Brieuc, the RN vote has almost doubled in two years

In Cesson, the easternmost district of Saint-Brieuc, the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly and the organization of early legislative elections surprised more than one resident. “I’m not usually interested in politics, but then I felt it was important,” says Annick. Everyone only talks about that anymore. » Without really knowing for whom, for the moment, she assures that she will vote.

The left in the lead since 2022

In its three polling stations, the district has a participation rate of 60.50%, slightly higher than the city average. Since the last legislative elections, in 2022, the left has dominated: Raphaël Glucksmann came first in the European elections, Sunday June 9, with 23.50% of the votes; in the last legislative elections, in 2022, Marion Gorgiard, the Nupes candidate, was the winner of the first round, with 32.82% of the votes.

But the National Rally vote, through its candidate Françoise Billaud, has changed significantly in two years. The party, which was limited to 10.81% of the votes in the district in 2022, has risen to 18.53%. A score well below the national results, but which still shows rapid progress.

“No longer ashamed to say my vote”

Renata, 66 years old and retired from commerce, has been a supporter since the days of the National Front: “More and more people share our convictions and I am no longer ashamed to say my vote,” she says. On the contrary, I discover that I share ideas with people I never suspected.”

Joris, 19, says he is “disgusted with his generation”, who instead voted for Bardella. “I did not vote in the European elections and I regret it,” he emphasizes. I didn’t make my power of attorney on time. But for the legislative elections, it has already been done and I will vote for New Popular Front. »

Same outcome for Josiane and Yvan, a retired couple who have always voted on the left: “Bardella is rubbish, his candidates are rubbish, I don’t understand how he can attract so much,” says Yvan. Every day we hear debates on immigration while the hospital is bursting, we have no more public services, and people can no longer feed themselves properly. Where are these subjects? »



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