it’s time to prepare for the hot weather

it’s time to prepare for the hot weather
it’s time to prepare for the hot weather

The misters at Louis-Dupic Park, always useful when it’s hot.

As in 2023, the Lyon Metropolis and Alec (Local Energy and Climate Agency) have launched a freshness tour of the markets. Objective of this information campaign: to provide residents with some tips for better coping with high temperatures.

Among the ten scheduled stages, two are very close to Vénissieux: in Saint-Fons (place Durel) Wednesday July 10 and Friday July 12 in Lyon 8th (place du 8-Mai-1945) from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

At home, a few easy steps to adopt can improve our comfort when heat waves overwhelm us. Starting with the essentials: keep your shutters closed during the day and open the windows at night. Installing fans and maintaining your air conditioner can sometimes save the day.

To go further, a thermal renovation of the home can be considered. If this option may raise some questions, Alec advisors are there to answer them and provide information on the financial aid available.

In addition to practical advice on freshness, it is also about responsible water management, which is crucial in times of drought. The advisors also address the subject of heat and cool islands. Residents have access to maps of urban oases, those places to be favored when the mercury soars.

Fresh on the TCL network

The TCL network has adopted a heatwave plan by equipping 13 metro stations with water fountains. On line D which serves the Parilly and Gare de Vénissieux stations, four stations were provided with these facilities at the end of last May: Grange Blanche (mezzanine), Saxe-Gambetta (platform towards Gare de Vaise), Gorge de Loup (platform towards Gare de Vénissieux), and Gare de Vaise (bus station). “The deployment will continue across all stations,” assures Bruno Bernard, president of Sytral Mobilités, the public transport organizing authority.

There are refuge points in the resort. On line D, the commercial agencies of Gorge de Loup, Bellecour and Grange Blanche are recommended for vulnerable people wishing to refresh themselves before resuming their journey. These agencies, like the line agent offices, have access to water. Note that line D has the particularity of being the deepest in the Lyon network: between 15 and 25 meters underground, the heatwave has less influence. On the surface, the tram trains are all air-conditioned. Buses too, with the exception of 70 standard buses and the 7 trolleybuses of line S6, which are satisfied with reinforced ventilation. These vehicles are generally not put into circulation during periods of extreme heat.

For those who would like to take a dip at Lake Miribel Jonage, the N81 shuttle from Gare de Vénissieux takes you to the Grand Parc in 40 minutes. On the way, there is a connection to Parc de Parilly.

The CCAS of Vénissieux plans a seasonal watch

As in previous years, the City of Vénissieux is putting in place prevention and support measures. Thus, the seasonal monitoring unit of the Municipal Social Action Center (CCAS) is responsible for coordinating the actions of the actors present in Vénissieux. This system corresponds to the first level of vigilance of the National Heatwave Plan. From level 3, the 3rd Age Center organizes a telephone watch by contacting anyone aged 60 and over registered on a list.



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