Chiropodist-podiatrists: be careful, you have 1 month left to change your social regime!

Chiropodist-podiatrists: be careful, you have 1 month left to change your social regime!
Chiropodist-podiatrists: be careful, you have 1 month left to change your social regime!

Podiatrist-podiatrists, the law gave you the possibility of changing social regime and to integrate that of the liberals.

If you wish to exercise your right of option, pay attention to the deadlines: you have until July 31, 2024 to make your choice. Everything you need to know in this article.

Chiropodist-podiatrists: which social regime to choose?

Approved chiropodist-podiatrists, the Social Security financing law (LFSS) for 2023 has offered you the possibility of renouncing affiliation to the regime of approved medical practitioners and auxiliaries (PamC) in favor of the non-PamC liberal professions regime.

As chiropodists-podiatrists covered by the non-PamC liberal professions regime, your non-agreed income is not subject to the additional health contribution existing in the PamC regime.

On the other hand, you will no longer benefit from the advantages linked to affiliation with the PamC plan, such as the coverage of part of your basic health contributions by health insurance.

To help you make your choice, consult this comparison.

Your request to change from the PamC regime to the non-PamC liberal professions regime must be made by July 31, 2024 at the latest. with de your Primary Health Insurance Fund (Cpam), which will transmit the information to Urssaf.

This change will take effect from 1is January 2025.

Urssaf will delete your PamC account on July 31, 2024 and create a non-PamC PL account on July 1, January 2025.



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