“Without a Sound: Day 1”: you will freak out again… in silence

“Without a Sound: Day 1”: you will freak out again… in silence
“Without a Sound: Day 1”: you will freak out again… in silence

Diagnosed with a terminal illness, Sam takes a field trip to New York with other residents of her hospice center. She finds herself in the middle of the gigantic alien attack destroying all the major metropolises on the planet. She and the few survivors quickly understand that the aliens attack all sources of noise and that from now on, to survive, we must remain silent…

The theme of this film is already well known, since it was developed during two episodes released in theaters in 2018 and 2021. But this third part constitutes a prequel which, as its name indicates, begins on the day of fatal invasion, a few months in history before the events already recounted. Hence the appearance on screen of new characters, with the exception of just one, the one played by Djimon Honsou, already present in the second part as the leader of a band of survivors, and who we mark here at the beginning and end of the feature film.

We jump at the slightest noise

In this “Day 1”, we follow the journey of Sam, dying but who will cling to life, in the company of her inseparable cat. The actress Lupita Nyong’o, Oscar winner for her role in “12 Years a Slave”, plays without unnecessary pathos this woman, bitter and unenthusiastic at the beginning of the film, and who fights under the double threat of her illness and the invaders.

On her path she will come across Eric, a totally lost Briton, whom Netflix subscribers will recognize since he is played with nuance by Joseph Quinn, who burst onto the screen in season 4 of “Stranger Things” under Eddie’s t-shirt. , demon-slaying metalhead. The two evolving in a destroyed New York whose images obviously refer to the attacks of September 11, 2001…

The film therefore keeps its promise to make us jump at the slightest noise. But beyond the plot, which works, and the permanent suspense, we are still a little unsatisfied. This prequel ultimately provides no additional information to the viewer who has seen the two previous parts, other than the pleasure of returning to a universe as horrible as it is familiar.

We still don’t know much about what caused the invasion, who is leading the alien creatures or what happened to the rest of the world, for example. Elements undoubtedly reserved for the fourth episode, a “Sans un Bruit 3” eagerly awaited for next year, especially since it will be directed by the director and screenwriter of the first two, John Krasinski.

Editor’s note:
« Without a Sound: Day 1 »,

American science fiction film by Michael Sanorski, with Lupita Nyong’o, Joseph Quinn, Alex Wolff, Djimon Hounsou… 1 h 40.



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