Lanester Grand Prix: Conan – Cadoret, Morbihan in Haute-Garonne…

Lanester Grand Prix: Conan – Cadoret, Morbihan in Haute-Garonne…
Lanester Grand Prix: Conan – Cadoret, Morbihan in Haute-Garonne…
Lanester Grand Prix (Elite and Open), this Wednesday

However, these are not the same reasons which pushed the Bellilois and the Lanesterian to put on the red and blue jersey. The first rather wanted a change of scenery, after three years in Hennebont/South Brittany. “I contacted them last season and spoke with Célestin. My arrival went really well, I discovered a different mentality,” he explains. For the second, it was rather his studies which led him to this choice: “I joined the local club because I was in Toulouse and I moved up to the first team thanks to my results, without that was the initial objective.

“Two against ten”

It is therefore a new program that the two 22-year-old runners are discovering. “We see that there is less enthusiasm, events, participants, it is much more popular in Brittany,” believes Cadoret. Both have, however, been able to run regularly in their native region, as they are currently based here. “We’re trying to find our place among the Elites, we find ourselves a bit two against ten,” the two echo. At Lanester, Guerlain Conan will particularly want to shine after a fall at Auray, while he was in the lead. “I made a lot of places. Now I want to score. I like criteriums, it’s nervous, it twists, it’s short and it’s easy to do,” he concludes.

This Wednesday, in Lanester. Departure at 7:45 p.m. for 23 laps of 3.5 km.



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