On the occasion of the departmental council on Monday, November 18, 2024, the departmental elected officials gave their support to the joint approach of the Association of Mayors and elected officials of the Lot and the Association of Rural Mayors of the Lot to say “We refuse to 'be the Government's adjustment variables'.
Here is the text of the motion:
“Considering the recent measures announced by the Government aimed at imposing on local authorities a financial effort of at least 5 billion euros, of which 3 billion will be directly taken from our real operating revenues;
Considering that these measures include a reduction in the VAT Compensation Fund (FCTVA) and a freezing of VAT dynamics, thus reducing our investment capacities;
Considering that the Prime Minister's remarks advocating listening and dialogue with communities are in contradiction with these unilateral decisions of unprecedented brutality;
Considering that these new measures, more severe than the Cahors contracts and the reductions in the overall operating allocation (DGF), penalize all communities in disregard of the principles of equity;
Considering that the social security financing bill provides for a 4-point increase in employer contributions from territorial employers to fill the CNRACL deficit, i.e. a charge of 1.3 billion euros per year from 2025 to achieve 5 billion in 2027;
Considering that the cumulative impact of these drains, accentuated by inflation and the costs linked to the ecological transition, threaten local investment, public services such as health or education as well as the ecological transition;
Considering that regulatory charges, such as the depreciation of roads and the thermal regulation of buildings, increase the financial burden on communities;
Considering that local authorities play a crucial role in economic, social and environmental development and that these measures jeopardize the ability of elected officials to respond to the legitimate expectations of our fellow citizens;
We declare:
- Our firm opposition to these financial measures, which demonstrate real contempt for local authorities and intermunicipalities, on the front line in ensuring daily public services;
- Our refusal of additional drains on the revenues of our communities;
- Our denunciation of the blatant contradictions between the Government's speeches advocating dialogue and consultation, and the actions which result in unilateral decisions with dramatic consequences for the entire French territorial fabric;
- Our alert on the devastating impacts for the departments, which will be asphyxiated, thus aggravating the difficulties of the municipalities, and endangering essential public policies;
- Our demand for an immediate review of these decisions, respectful of local realities;
- Our call for the mobilization of all elected officials to remember that communities are essential partners of the State and not targets of budget cuts.
Finally, we reaffirm that local authorities are the guarantors of a local public service, efficient and adapted to the needs of the population. Weakening the power of action of municipalities and intercommunities, stifling departments means risking recession in which we will, despite ourselves, be the main actors.
For these reasons, jointly with the Association of mayors and elected officials of the Lot and the Association of rural mayors of the Lot, the departmental elected officials express their firm and categorical opposition to these measures and ask for the opening of a constructive dialogue.