Stellar Blade: already 1 million copies sold and lots of content to come!

Stellar Blade: already 1 million copies sold and lots of content to come!
Stellar Blade: already 1 million copies sold and lots of content to come!

Stellar Blade had a dream start. The franchise of SHIFT UP hit the market with its first console game and preliminary figures indicated that the performance recorded worldwide was tremendous. Well, the company has talked about it and what additional plans it still has for the title.

As part of the new financial report aimed at becoming a listed company in Bourse, SHIFT UP shared interesting information about its projects and operations.

Stellar Blade would have already sold more than 1 million units

During the presentation, the leaders of the South Korean company praised the high rating of Stellar Blade and the good results obtained in markets around the world, such as in USA and at United Kingdom. They mentioned that cumulative sales would have already exceeded the million unitsaccording to their estimates.

Stellar Blade generated revenues of almost 21 million dollars until the end of May (this amount does not represent actual sales of the game, but what SHIFT UP received from Sony as part of their agreement). The majority of revenue was generated by sales in North America (45,9%), followed by l’Europe (22%) then by Japan (13,5%), according to GAMEVU.

“The first step as a large global IP was easy,” said CFO of SHIFT UP, Ahn Jae-woo.

Stellar Blade has reportedly already sold over a million units and SHIFT UP will continue to support it

What about the PC version of Stellar Blade?

Jae-woo also took the opportunity to talk about the PC version of Stellar Blade and mentioned that they expect the value of the franchise to increase when the title arrives on this platform. Something that caught the attention is that the head of the company, Kim Hyung-Taedelved deeper into the topic and mentioned that they are considering this edition, but cautioned that they cannot offer more information on it due to a ” contractual relationship“, apparently referring to the distribution and exclusivity agreement with PlayStation on consoles (via GAMEMECA).

SHIFT UP talked again about possible collaborations and which ones could be paid if they involve external IP, but free if they own them. On this subject, SHIFT UP reiterated that he is examining opportunities to create a ” positive synergy between them“, which he had already confirmed a few weeks ago.

For your information: SHIFT UP surprised fans with free content for Stellar Blade.

Finally, SHIFT UP presented a timeline showing the content they plan to add to Stellar Blade over the next few months.

According to the image, after adding the Boss Challenge and more content in last May’s update, SHIFT UP also develops the Mode Photo (which would be launched towards July or August), and a new character skin for the end of the year or the beginning of 2025, a collaboration with an IP (near mars 2025), and DLC and sequels for a point after avril 2024.

What do you think of the sales of Stellar Blade and ambitious plans to SHIFT UP for the game? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Stellar Blade is now available exclusively on PlayStation 5. You can find more news about it by visiting this page.

As a video game journalist, it is obvious that Stellar Blade not only captured the attention of players, but also set a milestone for SHIFT UP. The fusion of innovative game mechanics and captivating storytelling has resulted in excellent sales figures. The expansion plan with future content, collaborations, and potentially a PC version shows an ambitious strategy that could solidify their place in the world of video games. It will be interesting to see how this franchise evolves, especially with the integration of new elements and platforms.



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