Energy transition: the Hauts-de-Seine department (92) is mobilizing to facilitate the renovation of its real estate portfolio.
Real estate is responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions in France. The energy renovation of buildings therefore constitutes a major challenge. The energy renovation of buildings, and in particular housing, constitutes one of the main levers for achieving climate objectives, it is a priority of the government.
The challenges of energy renovation of buildings in Île-de-France
According to the Paris Region Institute, in 2018, Île-de-France had 2.3 million primary residences labeled E, F and G, including 567,000 in Paris. Among the latter, 326,000 are even classified F or G, categories similar to thermal strainers. 90% of these housing units belong to the private sector. 66% of rental housing in the private Parisian stock is labeled E, F or G, compared to 52% in the inner and outer suburbs and 47% in the rest of mainland France. As part of the Climate law of 2021housing having obtained a G+ rating in energy performance diagnosis (DPE) and consuming more than 450 kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy per square meter per year are considered indecent and are therefore prohibited from being rented. According to an older study by Hello Watt, carried out at the beginning of 2023 using ADEME data, there are more than 126,000 G+ housing units in France.
A risk of impoverishment of the rental stock in Hauts-de-Seine
At the departmental level, the energy renovation of buildings constitutes a strategic issue. In Hauts-de-Seine, housing represents the largest consumer of energy in the department (44% compared to 12% for transport). And many homes risk being prohibited from renting – in a context of tension on the real estate market – because they are classified as thermal sieves. The Hauts-de-Seine department has approximately 43% of properties classified E, F and G. And there are 5,099 G+ housing units (5,099). The sketch of these G+ rated properties? An apartment with an average surface area of 56 m², heated by electricity and dating on average from 1951. Remember that the most energy-intensive properties are gradually being banned from rental. Since 1is August 2022, the increase in rents for properties classified F and G is no longer authorized. Since 1isJanuary 2023, properties consuming more than 450 kWh per m2 per year in final energy can no longer be rented. In 2025, this ban will extend to all class G housing and, in 2028, to all class F properties. In 2034, it will also concern properties classified E. This reduction in the rental stock will further increase the tensions already present in the rental market.
Facilitate energy renovation
The renovation of the private park and its adaptation therefore constitute a major challenge for improving the living conditions of the inhabitants of Hauts-de-Seine. The Hauts-de-Seine department has set five priority objectives for housing:
Helping families stay in their homes and in Hauts-de-Seine.
Initiate the energy transition by improving the performance of private housing.
Promote autonomy by encouraging elderly people or people with disabilities to stay at home.
Fight against substandard housing through support for co-ownerships.
Reduce the out-of-pocket costs of low-income households wanting to improve their housing.
In order to enable households, particularly the most modest, to carry out their home improvement work, the Hauts-de-Seine department has increased its support. Means-tested aid is available for owners, tenants but also SCIs and co-owners' associations for energy renovation, adaptation to loss of autonomy or even the reduction of unsanitary conditions.
An aid and financing mechanism
In this context, work relating to private housing for residential use and located in the department may benefit from financial aid. Eligible: work carried out on buildings whose construction was completed more than 15 years ago, unless an exemption is requested, in particular for work to adapt to loss of autonomy. Energy renovation works, those linked to hygiene and health, those intended to adapt housing to a loss of autonomy, those linked to the safety of property and people, and the resorption of housing can be financed. unworthy or even adaptation to climate change in co-ownerships:
creation of bicycle premises,
de-waterproofing of floors,
saving drinking water,
improvement of rainwater infiltration capacity, etc.
Many beneficiaries
The beneficiaries eligible for this financing are owner-occupiers, SCIs made up exclusively of natural persons occupying the property and meeting the resource criteria as well as syndicates of co-owners in the fight against substandard housing. For beneficiaries of APA at home, this also includes owner-occupiers, tenants of private housing and people staying free and permanently with a relative. Applications for which the estimated subsidy is less than €500 are not admissible, with the exception of applications submitted by the lowest-income households.
Help and bonuses
This aid varies between 60% to 15% of the cost of the work depending on the income of the beneficiaries. For owners' associations this amount is set at 20% of the aid granted by the ANAH. The ceiling for the cost of subsidized work is set at 7,000 euros and 10,000 euros in the event of unsanitary conditions. In addition, an energy bonus of €1,000 is allocated for energy renovation projects allowing the gain of two energy labels. An adaptation bonus of €1,000 is provided for adaptation projects intended for people beneficiary of APA at home, with a disability rate greater than 50%, or for people aged over 80. A family bonus of €500 is provided for households with three or more dependent children for tax purposes, or a dependent child with a disability. A social bonus of up to €3,000 can be allocated for the most complex social situations, upon notification by social workers. Finally, an increase of +10 points in basic aid is planned for co-owners' associations as part of the fight against substandard housing (subsidy corresponding to 20% of ANAH aid and which can be extended at 30%). These bonuses can be combined without exceeding the amount of basic aid.