Violent fire in Malakoff: two seriously injured and four people saved from the flames

Violent fire in Malakoff: two seriously injured and four people saved from the flames
Violent fire in Malakoff: two seriously injured and four people saved from the flames

New fire in Malakoff. A violent apartment fire broke out during the night from Monday to Tuesday around 5 a.m. in the Pierre Valette district. The flames quickly invaded two apartments of 100 m2 each located on the second floor of a building of ten, at 2 bis avenue Joliot-Curie.

Two people, a 29-year-old man and his 28-year-old sister, were seriously injured. He suffered from serious burns and was transported in absolute emergency to the Saint-Louis hospital in Paris (20th century); as for her sister, suffering from multiple trauma, she was taken to Pitié-Salpêtrière in the 13th century. The latter would have been seen by a witness passing through the window, voluntarily or not, to escape the flames. Three other slightly injured people were taken to the Béclère hospital in Clamart as a relative emergency and three others were examined on site.

Twelve people saved by the large ladder

With 130 firefighters and 45 devices deployed, the firefighters mobilized significant resources to overcome the disaster. But above all, they managed to save four people from the flames who, without their rapid intervention, would undoubtedly have been very seriously injured or even worse. Firefighters also evacuated twelve people with their ladder because the stairwell was impassable.

A reception center at 10, avenue Joliot Curie was opened where around fifty people showed up. At 10 a.m. this morning, Mayor Jacqueline Belhomme was still on site. “When I arrived at 5:30 a.m., there were around a hundred people outside,” says the elected official. I opened the foyer of the elderly residence across the street to give them coffee. We brought in our psychologist because four people were really shocked. Then, the psychological unit of the Red Cross took over. »

In total, three apartments are uninhabitable. The occupants will be rehoused through their insurance.

The cause would probably be accidental. The police headquarters laboratory had to take samples to determine its origin.

A little over a month ago, another fire broke out on the other side of the city, in a 15-story building in the Stalingrad city. No injuries were reported.



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