She denounces rape, he is acquitted for lack of evidence

She denounces rape, he is acquitted for lack of evidence
She denounces rape, he is acquitted for lack of evidence

In the courtroom of Quimper (Finistère), Monday June 24, 2024, a forty-year-old man is suspected of having sexually assaulted a woman on the night of September 9, 2023. She had 2.24 g of alcohol in her blood and wandered between the Max-Jacob theater and the train station.

According to her, he offers to accommodate her. They first listen to music on the terrace of a bar, then he takes her to a building lobby: “I thought he had an apartment. » He then allegedly caressed her insistently while she pushed him away several times. She also reported rapes and called the police. As President Céline Verny points out, she has changed her version many times. She admits to her alcoholism: ” I treat myself. »

The defendant’s version is completely different: “I don’t understand why she says all that. I found her lying on the ground by the side of the road, she was in danger. I woke her up and suggested we go and shelter her in an apartment. She said yes and I took her by the waist to help her get up. » They stop at a bar. As usual, the man is sober.

They return to the hall: “I gave her a friendly hug and she left. Then she came back to get her cell phone which she had forgotten. We sat on a bench because she was drunk and didn’t know where to go. She even thanked me for saving her. » He is arrested, on the bench, without the slightest opposition.

The annoying DNA

His DNA will be found on the woman’s underwear: “We danced very closely at the bar and it is possible that I touched her, but without any intention. » He was never convicted. He left Senegal in 2006 and spent 17 years in Spain before joining France two years ago. He has no home, no family here.

Me Anne Guillerme asks for €8,000. Prosecutor Marie-Noëlle Collobert underlines “the inconsistency of the words” of the woman but nevertheless requires three years in prison with continued detention (he has already served ten months) and a permanent ban from French territory.

Angry because “we cover the inconsistencies of the civil party” and “the clothes from which the DNA was taken were mixed by the police in the same bag”, Me Nassera Hajji pleads for release and obtains it.



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