“+ Lesbians, – RN”: second LGBTI+ pride march in Corsica

“+ Lesbians, – RN”: second LGBTI+ pride march in Corsica
“+ Lesbians, – RN”: second LGBTI+ pride march in Corsica

“+ Lesbians, – RN” (National gathering): some 150 people participated on Saturday June 22 in the first Ajaccio pride march – and the second organized in Corsica -, condemning “the fascists” one week before the early legislative elections.

“Rather broke and PD than Facho”, “don’t touch our rights”, « the Fascists out » (the fascists out in Corsican language) could we read on the signs of the participants who marched to music in the city center of Ajaccio with rainbow flags, of Ensemble, movement for an ecological left alternative and solidarity, or the human rights league.

In total, 25 associations, unions and political parties signed the appeal of the Arcu association, organizer of this march, including the CGT, the CFDT, France Insoumise, the French Communist Party and Amnesty International.

“In Corsica, we are witnessing the rise of far-right ideologies, particularly through small groups that are openly racist, xenophobic and reactionary”recalled Eva Lucchesi, member of Arcu, on the microphone, reading the joint forum which denounces “a reactionary and repressive period allowing the radicalization of transphobia”.

“We are not fooled: these positions are also a danger for us, LGBT-QIA+ people”she added.

The first Corsican pride march took place in June 2023 in Bastia.



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