Macron/Bardella: inevitable cohabitation? – Public sense

Macron/Bardella: inevitable cohabitation? – Public sense
Macron/Bardella: inevitable cohabitation? – Public sense

Six days before the first round, the proposals are becoming clearer and relations are becoming strained. Well ahead in the polls, the National Rally rolled out its program this morning. Reduction in VAT, “big bang of authority at school”, reestablishment of minimum penalties, or even the ban on certain positions for dual nationals… Jordan Bardella divides his program into two: the “time of emergencies” which will be followed by the “time of reforms” in the fall. On the left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon crystallizes passions. The leader of La France insoumise has openly made it known that he “intends to govern this country”. A position which immediately shook the other members of the Popular Front; “Let him keep quiet,” François Hollande told him. The boss of the Ecologists, Marine Tondelier, told AFP that the leader of the rebels would not become Prime Minister. Stuck between these two blocks, the majority is looking for an emergency exit from the crisis. Bruno Le Maire and Édouard Philippe did not hide their frustration. The dissolution breaks all the dynamics that the former tenant of Matignon was trying to put in place with a view to 2027. Faced with the polls which place Renaissance and its allies in third position, Emmanuel Macron addressed the French in a letter, their showing his “confidence”. Is the arrival of the RN in Matignon really inevitable? Faced with the rise of the flame party, should Mélenchon definitively step aside? Are we heading towards a long diet crisis? We debate it with Adelaïde Zulfikarpasic, general director BVA France, Benjamin Morel, constitutionalist, lecturer in public law at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Hadrien Brachet, political journalist at Marianne, contributor to the Jean Jaurès Foundation.

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