Weather in Nice. Sudden drop in temperatures, forecasts for the week

Weather in Nice. Sudden drop in temperatures, forecasts for the week
Weather in Nice. Sudden drop in temperatures, forecasts for the week


Manon Reinhardt

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 11:07 a.m.

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Summer seems very difficult to start. For this new week of June 24, 2024, you have undoubtedly noticed, temperatures are falling. Thunderstorms are forecast for Monday and Tuesday, with a return to sunshine expected gradually.

Here are more details on the forecasts in Nice and the Alpes-Maritimes.

23 degrees maximum this Tuesday

No need to take out summer clothes! You even have to take back the little jacket that you left in the closet, thinking you no longer need it. The rain returns with thunderstorms forecast all day long on the coast and in the hinterland. The department of Alpes-Maritimes was placed on alert yellow storms this Monday, from 12 p.m. to 10 p.m.

This Tuesday shouldn’t be better. The mercury will nevertheless remain below seasonal norms with a maximum of 23 degrees this Tuesday afternoon and up to 28 degrees at the end of the week.

Temperatures of the week

Monday morning: 18 degrees
Monday afternoon: 25 degrees

Tuesday morning: 20 degrees
Tuesday afternoon: 23 degrees

Wednesday morning: 19 degrees
Wednesday afternoon: 24 degrees

Thursday morning: 19 degrees
Thursday afternoon: 25 degrees

Friday morning: 20 degrees
Friday afternoon: 26 degrees

Saturday morning: 22 degrees
Saturday afternoon: 27 degrees

Sunday morning: 22 degrees
Sunday afternoon: 28 degrees

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The sun before the rain returns

But the sun will be back on Wednesday, with a hazy sky but nice clearings. However, precipitation is forecast in the hinterland in the afternoon. The sun will be clear from Thursday. But, still according to Météo France forecasts, the weather will deteriorate again on Sunday with possible showers.

We will undoubtedly have to expect unpredictable weather for the next few weeks. When will summer finally arrive? “To this day, no one has the answer to this question. On a hemispherical scale, the situation remains blocked and changes very little. This changeable weather could therefore still last until the beginning of July at least,” notes Paul Marquis, weather expert, on X.

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