Legislative. In Nantes-Rezé, former Macronist MP Aude Amadou wants to give meaning to dialogue

Legislative. In Nantes-Rezé, former Macronist MP Aude Amadou wants to give meaning to dialogue
Legislative. In Nantes-Rezé, former Macronist MP Aude Amadou wants to give meaning to dialogue

Former MP Aude Amadou is the Macronist candidate in the Nantes-Rezé constituency.

His political journey

A professional handball player for twenty years, then a novice in politics, Aude Amadou won the seat of deputy from the socialist Dominique Raimbourg in 2017, seduced by “collective momentum” et “opening to civil society” worn by Emmanuel Macron.

During these five years of“citizen engagement”she loved “bring together people from different parties”notably as rapporteur of the bill on the organization of the Paris Olympics.

At 44, now project manager within the National Sports Agency, the Sébastiennaise, still part of the Renaissance but « libre »does not fear being defeated again by left-wing candidate Julie Laernoes: “In sport, we are first taught to lose, before we are taught to win. A defeat always moves you forward. »

All the latest legislative news

Its “purchasing power” measure

“Lower the price of energy by making it cheap. » According to Aude Amadou, France must assume responsibility for its nuclear sector, while developing “hydrogen and offshore wind”particularly in the region, which will also allow ” create jobs “. She wants the energy “enters the basket of basic necessities” in order to reduce taxation as much as possible.

The measure that is close to his heart

Give meaning to fraternity again, she said. “We are in a very divided society. We must relearn how to live with each other, otherwise we will not be able to apply any measures. »

Comment ? “By setting an example at the political level. Let everyone respect each other, with worthy debates, and let us work together, even if we do not agree. We complain about youth violence, but have you seen the show in the hemicycle? Consensus is needed, radicalism leads to nothing. »



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