The Roannais Forez industrial territories unite

The Roannais Forez industrial territories unite
The Roannais Forez industrial territories unite

These are the communities of communes Charlieu Belmont, Pays entre Loire et Rhône (Copler), Forez-Est and Roannais Agglomération.

It is on this scale that the Roannais-Forez Industry Territory organizes an event to promote the industrial fabric: the open days of the industry November 18 to 29, 2024.

It front of difficulties for companies to recruit on vacant positions, these open days aim to change the image of the industry, which explains, according to them, “a mismatch between the training chosen by young people and their needs”.

Economic players in the Loire want to change the image of the industry

It is in this context that local authorities, the CCI, employment and training stakeholders and local businesses have decided to work together for this annual action to promote the‘industry and its professions, considered as an opportunity for the territory but also for the youth and the people in job search or of reconversion.

Around fifty companies should open their doors for visits organized for different audiences: middle and high schools, professional and higher education establishments, job prescribers (France Travail, Apec, ELO, missions local, Esat, etc.).

Contact for interested companies and establishments:
Carole Chevenier, Roannais Forez industrial territory project manager
tel: 04 77 44 83 26
Email : [email protected]



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