“We’re back to square one.”

“We’re back to square one.”
“We’re back to square one.”

Éliane Barreille, president (Various right) of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence Departmental Council is waiting. Not in the extremism of some people. Thursday, Nicolas Lacroix (LR), president of the group of Departments of the right, center and independents within the Departments of association, at a congress in , announced: “From January 1, all Departments of the right and center will suspend their payments“from RSA to the family allowance funds and”We will no longer take care of new unaccompanied minors.” “I don't want to go to this extreme. The RSA is a compulsory skill and we would put people in abject poverty. But I signed the motion requesting that the copy be revised.

“Some Departments are exhausted”

She is delighted that Michel Barnier does not want that “the Departments have the feeling of becoming simple operators of the State“and intends to revise social action.”The volume of RMI that went to the Departments is not that of today's RSA! Some Departments are exhausted. I hope we will have a larger allocation. There should be equalization between rich and rural departments, like ours. For now, I'm cautious. My budget was ready: find 7 million (to be deleted, Editor’s note)it's not nothing. I am waiting for confirmation of the government's actions… I understood that the Prime Minister did not want a new tax for the Departments, like a housing tax: we are back to square one, with no possibility of tax revenue, and only transfer taxes – without much impact on economic activity – or VAT. It is not acceptable to make communities pay for state mismanagement. We are asked for balanced budgets…




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