“That will be less in your shops”: Ceyrestens protest against parking prices in La Ciotat

“That will be less in your shops”: Ceyrestens protest against parking prices in La Ciotat
“That will be less in your shops”: Ceyrestens protest against parking prices in La Ciotat

It becomes a problem for shopping in town, going to the town hall, seeing an exhibition or going to a doctor.notes this resident of Ceyreste. With my husband, we were happy to eat in one of the small restaurants by the sea. We were there on Monday, we paid 12 euros for parking which was added to the bill, a bit as if we had a third guest at the table.“In short,” she laments, “we will no longer go to the beach in La Ciotat or to the restaurant, or to the market, or take a walk by the sea.

Since May 1, the City has made some adjustments to parking rates. And noticeably on the rise. Ciotadens are spared, since year-round parking is maintained at 30 euros. But for the others…

In the city center, it remains relatively affordable with the first two hours free, then 3.80 euros per hour. But it’s in zone 2 – in the area from Avenue Cyrnos to Saint-Jean Beach – that it stings more. From May 1 to September 30, “there is no longer anything free, we start straight away with pricing which (is) progressive. The first hour is 3.80 euros. The second too, and then it progresses in increments of 5 eurosindicated Michaël Paya, municipal councilor responsible for the file, in our April 23 edition. So for 14.5 hours of parking, we arrive at 70 euros.



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