Menopause and andropause, same fight: are we talking about it?

Menopause and andropause, same fight: are we talking about it?
Menopause and andropause, same fight: are we talking about it?

If menopause is beginning to emerge from its societal denial, andropause still has a way to go, with the old masculinist taboos providing good resistance. So we know that menopause is this period in a woman’s life, marked by the cessation of ovulation and the disappearance of periods, a kind of new freedom whose price is sometimes expensive to pay, and above all long, since the so-called perimenopause period, with all these hassles can last up to ten years. Andropause, in men, corresponds to the drop in testosterone linked to natural aging. Before the shipwreck, there are a few lifelines to hold on to to avoid drowning…

The Moon Time association, organizer of events fighting against “ageism”, initiated a “festival” on menopause and andropause, on Saturday June 29, at the Chartreuse Saint-André in Bordeaux-Caudéran, between 10 hours and 7 p.m. The opportunity to shed light on these periods of life. Until then, both women and men were content to keep quiet about their symptoms, live with them, suffer in silence and wait for it to pass. Or not.

Mental and physical suffering

The day will be peppered with specific advice and conferences to answer the multitude of questions that remain unanswered, “conventional” caregivers being relatively unconcerned by these subjects. Indeed, menopause and andropause are not illnesses, but normal periods of life which, often, are accompanied by a cohort of disorders, psychological and physical suffering.



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