Agricultural crisis: shared testimonies from farmers and beekeepers from the North

Agricultural crisis: shared testimonies from farmers and beekeepers from the North
Agricultural crisis: shared testimonies from farmers and beekeepers from the North

Between rising costs and increasingly restrictive legislation, farmers in the North are sounding the alarm. Testimonies from beet producers, dairy farmers and beekeepers on their realities and concerns regarding European standards and international competition.

Farmers in the North of bear witness to the crisis which is hitting them hard, between rising production costs, administrative complexity and restrictive European standards. Farms are expanding and diversifying to survive, but the pressure remains strong. Producers, like Benjamin and Nicolas, point to the reduction in aid and the bans on phytosanitary products without alternatives, which endangers their yields and the viability of their farms.

As for beekeepers, Frédéric mentions the additional difficulties linked to neonicotinoids, Asian hornet attacks and climatic hazards, which have reduced his production by 70% this year. Despite initiatives such as direct sales and diversification of production, the general feeling is that of a constant struggle to maintain a viable activity in the face of increased economic and environmental challenges.




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