mobilization declines but candidates continue to campaign vigorously in Dordogne

mobilization declines but candidates continue to campaign vigorously in Dordogne
mobilization declines but candidates continue to campaign vigorously in Dordogne

IThey were three times fewer than a week ago… Nearly 500 people participated in the second rally organized by the inter-union against the far right, in Périgueux, this Saturday June 22 (1). As a reminder, the first demonstration on June 15 brought together in Périgueux (Dordogne) nearly 1,300 people according to the police, 1,600 according to the unions.

It was under the rain that the procession set off from the courthouse at 11 a.m. before going around the boulevards.

180 people marched in the streets of Bergerac to mark their opposition to the RN. Alongside the unions, the New Popular Front was strongly represented.

Jean-Luc Chanteau

The unions chanted their opposition to the political project of the National Rally (RN) in front of an assembly of colorful umbrellas, from which protruded the flags in the colors of the CGT, CFDT, FSU, Unsa… But also of the New Popular Front, La France insoumise (LFI) or the Europe Écologie-Les Verts party (EELV).

Because the rain did not get the better of certain faithful, like Pascale Martin, LFI deputy for the 1st constituency of Dordogne until the dissolution of the National Assembly. “I am here today, because I defend the complete opposite of the RN,” commented the legislative candidate.

Several candidates joined the procession, like Pascale Martin (LFI), who was just before on the Mussidan market.

Philippe Greiller

Leaflets and shopping bags

The politician also had a busy morning. She was on the Mussidan market early in the morning, before joining the protest movement organized in Périgueux. And was to continue with a trip to the market, moved since the renovation of Place de la Clautre… just opposite the courthouse, in the Montaigne car park. Practical.

“From the heart, I join the rally against the extreme right, but we must admit that we no longer know where to stand”

Clément Tonon (Horizons) did not participate in the demonstration against the far right. He took advantage of the “last big market” to convince the Périgourdins in preparation for June 30.

Philippe Greiller

And she was obviously far from the only one campaigning. Clément Tonon was ahead of her. The candidate of the Horizons party, supported by the mayor of Coulounieix-Chamiers, Thierry Cipierre, who says he “comes from the centrist bloc and therefore opposed to all extremes”, took advantage of the last “big deal” before the first round of the legislative elections, Sunday June 30, to glean votes as close as possible to potential voters.

Hard to convince

The Périgourdins stopped on their way to their shopping to receive the leaflets and exchange a few words with the politician who wanted to convince… Which is not an easy task if Catherine and Caroline are to be believed. “The political situation is worrying. From the heart, I join in the rally against the extreme right, but we must admit that we no longer know where to stand. » Also, in this very vague situation, the two friends preferred… to fill their fridge. “Personally, I don’t agree with everyone in the New Popular Front. I don’t want to vote for an “everything” like that…”

Some Périgourdins, busy shopping, say they no longer know who to vote for.

Philippe Greiller

Clément Tonon remains optimistic and welcomes the good welcome given to him by the Périgourdins. Which retain, according to him “ [sa] youth, a new face, and a new approach to politics. » Marie-Christine, hood on her head and shopping bag in hand, has just received her leaflet. But the candidate’s posture does not convince her. “If he is so against the National Front, why not go and march right in front of it? Frankly, we no longer know who or what to vote for…” And yet, the decision will have to be made quickly, because the clock is ticking…

(1) In Bergerac, 180 demonstrated.



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