Lyon. The dissolution of the Remparts, the Agogé and the Traboule is imminent

Lyon. The dissolution of the Remparts, the Agogé and the Traboule is imminent
Lyon. The dissolution of the Remparts, the Agogé and the Traboule is imminent

“This is very important news for the city of Lyon. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, has just called me to announce that he had decided to propose to the President of the Republic the dissolution of the small ultra-right groups, the Remparts, the Agogé and la Traboule,” announces Thomas Rudigoz, outgoing deputy (presidential majority), in the middle of the campaign.

” Complete file “

“The file is complete, the decree is ready for a next council of ministers. What I may have regretted in 2021, during the dissolution of Génération Identitaire, is that the structures which provide the associative premises, reception and recruitment places, were not concerned. They are this time,” he notes.

“An important sign in this troubled period”

This fight led for several years by many local elected officials including Thomas Rudigoz and Gregory Doucet, environmentalist mayor of Lyon, who has repeatedly challenged the Ministers of the Interior and Justice, and the President of the Republic, has been heard. The procedure was initiated at the beginning of May, as Progress had revealed it. But the dissolution of the National Assembly and the uncertainty as to the political color of the future government jeopardized the process. This boost could allow a dissolution before any change of majority.

The small group Les Remparts, born from the ashes of Génération Identitaire after its dissolution in 2021, and the two associations could not be the only far-right entities affected by the future decree. “Some say that dissolutions solve nothing. Despite everything, I think that this disorganizes the adversary and it shows that we are not giving up, that the fight is being led by the republican state. It’s a long-term battle, we know that. But it is an important sign in this troubled period where some have a feeling of impunity” adds Thomas Rudigoz.

Friday June 14, around forty men, dressed in black, hooded or masked, wandered the streets between Old Lyon and the slopes of Croix-Rousse, threatening passers-by and making unequivocal salutes.



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