In defense of religious daycares

In defense of religious daycares
In defense of religious daycares

The controversy is growing around subsidized daycare centers which select according to religious or ethnic criteria. Out of 2,401 establishments, 36 are believed to be guilty.

But to compare this case to that of the Bedford School is to make a lame analogy.


In the case of Bedford, the parents, certain of enrolling their children in a secular establishment, were trapped by an institution infiltrated by zealots. The school betrayed parents by allowing unsolicited proselytizing.

The daycare centers in question display their selection criteria and respond to a specific request from parents looking for an environment consistent with their traditions and values. They don’t fool anyone. And parents make an informed choice. Nuance is important!

However, the fact that parents opt for supervision in line with their religious convictions is criticized. Either! But have we even questioned the motivations for their choice, given the alternative offered by the “secular” public network?

Remember that ministerial documents recommend sexuality education from the age of 4. To hell with childhood innocence, long live questions relating to sexuality and “self-affirmation”.

However, this precocity, and the fact that drag queens, grotesque and degrading caricatures of women, visit daycare centers to read to toddlers, does not please everyone.


In reality, secularism does not exist. Religious values ​​have been pushed aside in favor of woke religion, and indoctrination begins in preschool to better prepare children for gender theory, queer theory, and other shaky deconstructionist theories taught in primary and secondary schools.

By celebrating traditions, the incriminated daycares protect children from woke gangrene. For the moment, they are Jewish and Muslim. When will we see daycares that honor Christianity?

Because the real question is not so much their legitimacy, but rather the bankruptcy of the state educational model!



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